Here's my story

I was a chubby kid; I learnt that pretty early on. For as far as I can remember, my mom was unhappy with her body shape and trying to lose a few kilos, always watching herself around food. There were many comments on my round belly and mockery from my siblings. I learnt that thin means beautiful and healthy. 

I went on my first diet at age 14, following my mom's example. I had learnt to fear food and strive for a skinny body. A few years later I was grappling with eating disorders, I was proper skinny, and of course I was as unhappy as ever with the way my body looked. I was miserable.

Fast forward to my early 30s and I was happily married, with three perfectly healthy daughters, and with some help I had managed to overcome my eating disorders and establish better eating patterns. But I was still not satisfied with my body, I still wanted to lose that stubborn pregnancy weight, and I was going to the gym and watching everything I ate and I felt absolutely drained mentally and physically.

Until that day when my eldest daughter, then 6 years old, came to me and said: "Mummy, am I fat? I think I'll try to eat less from now on." What a blow. This was the electric shock I needed to realize that because of my unhealthy relationship with my body and food, I was harming my kids' own body image and potentially setting them up for future eating disorders. 

This sent me on a transformative journey to reconnect with my body, learn to accept it and love it. Using nutrition science and healthy lifestyle habits, I learnt how to nourish my body, look after myself and get my confidence and energy back.

Now, I no longer allow toxic beauty ideals and fad diets to take priority over my mental and physical wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoy food and I love how it makes my body feel. I'm full of energy, and I am a much better parent too. I am confident that my children are learning to love and nurture their body.

My mission now is to help YOU get there too!

My qualifications

I'm a certified nutrition and health coach from the International Institute of Nutrition & Health. I have also completed the "Health and Wellness: Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan" certification with Harvard Medical School, and I am enrolled in "The Body Image Fundamentals" course with the amazing Shannon Beer.

Enough about me!

I want to know more about you. What has brought you here? Where are you on your journey? How can I help? I'd love you to get in touch just for a chat or an email conversation and hopefully I can help in some way. All you have to do is click the link below.