Nutrition & Body Image Coaching 
for Moms


Make peace with your body and food, 
set your kids up for success

Imagine a life without constant worries about eating and your body

Who would not want this for their children? And yet, so many of us mothers, mothers who love their children very much, are doing such a poor job of protecting our kids from negative body image and disordered eating.

This is because we fail to understand how much our own beliefs and attitudes about our body and food can impact our children's relationship with their body. This influence starts to take hold very early on in a child's life, although it often doesn't show until their teenage and adult years.

This is why I work with moms to help them make peace with food and their body so that they can raise healthy, body confident kids.

What I can help you with

  • Stop restricting yourself and fighting your needs
  • Let go of the guilt and shame
  • See your body in a more positive light and learn to nurture it
  • Enjoy food; enjoy sharing meals with your kids
  • Free up your mental space so you can focus on things that really matter, like being present for your children
  • Be a better role model for your children

What you will get from me

  • 1:1 online nutrition and body image coaching
  • Holistic whole-person approach, not limited to just nutrition
  • A variety of tools individualised to your needs
  • Empowerment and autonomy, so you don't have to depend on my coaching forever
  • Knowledge and self-understanding - I strongly believe that knowledge is power!
  • Tips to get your kids on board with your healthier eating habits


Dounia, 36, mom of 2

When I met with Gaëlle and she told me about her approach, I was doubting that it could really make a difference in my everyday life. I've been through nutrition coaching about 20 years ago and I thought I knew everything already about food and impact on health. 
I decided however to start the coaching as I was also aware of some improvements that could have been done from my side. I've always been very strict on my nutrition over the past years, banning fat, sugar and calories from my plate while I could only see I was not always in good shape and controlling my health. But since I had a clear objective of not gaining weight (it took me many years to lose it when I was younger), I accepted it. 

I started the coaching just before summer, first by understanding some main ideas and also discovering the recent studies and research that have been done. A lot of things that I took for granted were actually challenged and there is a whole new world about how to stay fit and strong, without damaging your health. I've started to gradually implement these new things in my life and after a couple of weeks I could already measure the impact. Firstly on the quality of my sleep, I was literally falling asleep earlier but also waking up earlier with a feeling of a great night and full of energy. My face was also different, less "puffy" and much more "open" .
The other immediate impact was the pleasure discovering new food, adding more flavor, more taste and sharing it with my family. No more eating alone in a corner with a little green salad while kids are having a proper meal around. And lastly I did not have any negative effect on my weight : it remained the same but my body definitely changed, more athletic and feminine than before. 

The whole process took me a little bit more than 3 months with Gaelle, always very open to listen and accept the baby steps and mistakes I was making while providing efficient guidance and support. 

Josh, 30, aspiring dad

I had been trying to focus breaking some unhealthy habits and getting ready for a triathlon, but I was struggling to find non conflicting or more to the point information online. Gaelle’s coaching helped me understand where I need to focus and how to make lasting changes to my habits.

We first had an in-depth discussions about eating habits, workout regime, work habits, sleeping schedules, family history, etc. She then provided a set of tools and advice to help me reach my goals. She shared many materials (e.g. articles, analysis, podcasts) and encouraged search, which helped me formulate my life choices. She provides accountability and offers flexible contact options so you don’t feel alone in your task.

As a result of this, I boosted my confidence and improved my day to day lifestyle. I don’t think I could be where I am today without Gaelle’s help. Thank you!

Sudhir, 40, aspiring dad

Gaelle has been my health coach for about 3 months. Though she’s new to the profession, her attention to detail especially when it comes to fitness and nutrition plans has been really impressive. 

She is encouraging and stern when she needs to be; and has immense in-depth knowledge on exercise, hormones in the body and the right combination of exercise and food especially for busy professionals.

I strongly recommend her to everyone beginning a health and fitness journey.

Book a free discovery call

I want to know more about you. What has brought you here? Where are you on your journey? How can I help? I'd love you to get in touch just for a chat. We will discuss what coaching is and how it can help with the challenges you are facing. The call takes only 20 minutes, it is free, and there are no strings attached!